Up to date news and information about the Hoffman family in Texas. All you want to know and a lot more!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Daddy's Girl. This is the outfit that Chris and Bev got us. Pretty soon they will need some cute baby outfits for their family!!! Congrats you two!!!! Posted by Picasa

Rocky has been very patient with Miki. He lets her tug on him. I think he even enjoys how she plays with him. Posted by Picasa

What is this red thing around your neck?  Posted by Picasa

Not man's best friend...but MIKI'S best friend! Posted by Picasa

Monroe...What a sweet puppy Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Every time I lay Miki down In the middle of the bed and cover her with her blanket. This is an example of how she sleeps. (This is with our new camera Mom) Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 25, 2005

WHITE SHOES AFTER LABOR DAY?!!!! Only in Texas. It has been HOT lately (only the past 6 months or so)! The highs have been from 102-108 the past few weeks!! We can't wait for fall. Posted by Picasa