Up to date news and information about the Hoffman family in Texas. All you want to know and a lot more!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

On April 2nd, Mimi, Papa, and the Hoffmans went to the George Bush Library on the Texas A&M Univ. Campus. They were having an exhibit on trains. (Papa LOVES trains) Posted by Picasa

This is a Fancy Union Pacific Train Posted by Picasa

Mimi, Mommy, and Miki outside the Bush Library. There was a mini train that gave people rides around the Texas A&M Campus. Posted by Picasa

Daddy and Miki driving the train. Look out Dan Engel, Mr. train conductor, you may have some competition. Posted by Picasa

I could drive this train. Posted by Picasa

People in glass houses....(Miki liked looking at the model train set) Posted by Picasa

So long...(Miki and Mommy waving from the train conductor's window) Posted by Picasa

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Mikayla started walking on her 1st birthday. We are so proud of her. Posted by Picasa

Miki wobbles, especially when she walks slow. Posted by Picasa

Look at her go!! Posted by Picasa

There is a lot of falling involved right now. Posted by Picasa

Miki has discovered the miniature rocking chair in her room. She can get into the chair all by herself! She just loves it. Posted by Picasa

Let's rock! Posted by Picasa

This is so much fun! Posted by Picasa