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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Here are the kids enjoying the summer in the backyard. They asked me to take their picture. I could not resist.

Miki had her dance recital a few weeks ago. She did great!

This is Hannah, one of Miki's friends from dance class.

Miki is the little girl in yellow in between the girls in blue.

Miki got flowers after her performance from her teacher, her parents, and Mimi and Papa. Mimi and Papa were able to make the trip down for Miki's recital.

Evan was so proud of his sister! He was watching the recital and asking, "where is Miki?" When Miki finally came on stage, he kept saying, "That is Miki! That is Miki! Yea!!!!" He loves watching her dance. He was pretty impressed with all the dancing. He had his eyes glued to the stage and his mouth was open a little.

Miki was the only kid in her class to get an award and a medal from her teacher. She was given the award"most improved dancer." We are so proud of our dancer.